“The Society of Friends or Quakers (the terms are synonymous) had its beginning in the middle of the seventeenth century in England. It was in this period of religious and political turmoil and uncertainty that George Fox and others discovered “Truth” as they saw it. Quakerism was but one of the new sects that grew out of those unsettled times. This Society was one that thrived on adversity, grew strong, and left its imprint on subsequent generation.”
This quote, by Willard Heiss, comes from the introduction of the 1962 edition of Abstracts of the Records of The Society of Friends in Indiana, Volume I. The original edition was compiled by Willard and his introduction has been reprinted in the books current 1996 edition. This current edition was revised by Ruth Dorrel and Thomas D. Hamm and is published by the Indiana Historical Society.
The introduction by Heiss provides a telling summary of the origin of the Society of Friends and its growth in America. The introduction covers a lot of historical detail, containing the following sections:
- Origin of the Society of Friends and Its Spread to America
- The Society of Friends in Indiana
- Indiana Yearly Meeting
- Western Yearly Meeting
- Indiana Yearly Meeting (Hicksite)
- Indiana Yearly Meeting (Anti-Slavery)
- Western Yearling Meeting (Conservative)
- Later Divisions of Yearly Meetings
- Organizational Structure
- Yearly Meetings
- Quarterly Meetings
- Monthly Meetings
- Preparative Meetings
- Meetings for Worship
- Indulged Meetings for Worship
- The Friends Meeting House
- Types of Records
- Monthly Meeting Minutes
- Removals
- Disownments
- Received in membership
- Birthright membership
- Conclusion
- Marriage Records
- Birth and Death Records
- Removal Certificate Record
- Friends Burying Grounds and Funerals
- Reference Material
- Locations of Original Records
- Orthodox Monthly Meetings in Indiana Prior to 1850
- Hicksite Meetings in Indiana After Separation in 1829
- Anti-Slavery Friends Monthly Meetings in Indiana After Separation in 1843
- Conservative Monthly Meetings in Indiana After Separation in 1877
Meeting minutes and records were critical to the Society of Friends. Monthly meeting minutes were transcribed twice a year into permanent record books. As noted above, meeting minutes include removals (when families moved from one area to another), disownments (disciplinary act to remove membership), additions or requests for new memberships, and the inclusion of minor children of new members. The society also maintained birth, marriage, and death records. Abstracts of the Records of The Society of Friends in Indiana contains information from both the meetings and the other vital records kept by the Society in Indiana. Records cover 1809 through 1902, from the time the first “meeting” was established in the Indiana Territory.
Table of Contents
Whitewater Monthly Meeting
Springfield Monthly Meeting
Copies of Abstracts of the Records of The Society of Friends in Indiana, Volume I are available from Family Roots Publishing; Item #: IHS004, Price: $58.80.