Proposals are now being accepted for the 2012 Iowa Genealogical Society Spring Technology Conference, to be held in Des Moines, Iowa, 14 April 2012.
The conference will include a full day of lectures, networking luncheons, and workshops. The focus for the Spring Conference is current and emerging technology which has the potential to improve family history and genealogical research.
Sessions are generally limited to fifty minutes plus a ten-minute question-and-answer session. Syllabus material (PDF, Microsoft Word, or RTF format), due by 28 February 2012, is required for each lecture or workshop presentation.
We are looking for presenters that have expertise in a subject and are able to deliver educational and enjoyable presentations to a wide range of audience.
Proposals should include the following information: Speaker’s full name, address, telephone number, and email address.
Lecture title, not to exceed fourteen words, and a brief but comprehensive outline
Short summary of the lecture, which will be used in the program, if selected.
Audience level of the lecture (beginning, intermediate, advanced)
Brief speaker biography, which will be used in the program, if selected.
Resume of recent lectures given by the speaker. Speakers are encouraged to submit an audio or video tape of a recent lecture.
Lecture room requirements: electronic presentation program on speakers own laptop, flip chart and/or whiteboard; speaker requires IGS projector or will use own projector, speaker will require table or podiumSpeakers are strongly encouraged to submit multiple proposals. Complete proposals must be e-mailed by 31 July 2011 to with the subject: 2012 IGS Spring Conference-Call for Papers.
Selected speakers will be notified in September 2011. Speakers will receive a complimentary full conference registration with syllabus. Compensation, food, and lodging will be based on the number of lectures given, and transportation expenses will depend upon the speaker’s home address.
Contact the IGS Program Chair at