A new company called USFamilyTree.com has just released some great new tools that work on top of new FamilySearch called Advanced Tree Inspector. These tools allow people to do things you can’t do natively on nFS, such as see your 9-generation pedigree all on one page, find loops in your pedigree that prevent you from seeing the full line, see what countries your ancestors are from, and more.
These tools are all free, users simply need a nFS account (currently available to LDS members only). There is an overview, some examples, and even a walk-through video on this page: https://www.usfamilytree.com/p/tree-inspector-tools-learn-more
It also let’s you quickly clean up any non-standard geograpic data, so you see where your immigrant ancestors are from: England, Germany, etc.
For those interested in small surname research it gives you all the surnames you come from (9 generations) listed from smallest to largest.