Genealogy Newsline Vol. 1 # 10

Genealogy Newsline – Vol 1 # 10 – Apr 26-27, 2011
Edited by Leland K. Meitzler for Family Roots Publishing Co., LLC

This is the tenth edition of the FREE Genealogy Newsline. If you should get more than one newsletter, chances are we have more than one active email account in our database for you. My advice is to just scroll to the bottom of the duplicate newsletter, and click on “Unsubscribe.” That will get rid of the duplicate newsletter.




Why Did I Receive This Genealogy Newsline?

Partly Personal – page 2

Free USA Shipping on Purchases of $25 or more at FRPC through May 3, 2011

Online American Patriot Research at the DAR website

New USA Vital Records Posted at – page 3

Thinking of Going to Salt Lake City?

Smile for the Camera – Mugshots Online

Book Reviews & Announcements

  • Tracing Your Civil War Ancestors – page 4
  • Early Indiana Trails and Surveys
  • Census Substitutes & State Census Records – Eastern & Western States
  • Guide to Massachusetts Cemeteries – Second Edition – page 6
  • Quicksheet – Citing Online Historical Resources – Evidence! Style

More Genealogy News – page 6

Books Reviewed in Previous Genealogy Newslines

Links to Categories at the Family Roots Publishing Co. website

Events where Family Roots Publishing Co. LLC Will Exhibit in 2011 – page 10

Going to Salt Lake City? – page 11

Check out


About the Genealogy Newsline

The Genealogy Newsline Archive

Changing a Password

Leland K. Meitzler Biography

Copyrights & Permissions



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  • You are a Family Roots Publishing Company customer.
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  • Because until December of 2008 you were an Everton Newsline subscriber, Genealogical Helper subscriber, or had some other affiliation with Everton Publishers or the website. More information about is found near the end of this Genealogy Newsline

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Finally! The weather has warmed a bit, and we began seeing sunshine and rain in the place of snow. This weekend I was able to mow the lawn for the first time, till up the garden, and freshen up the bark in the flower beds. I’m hurting all over from the physical exercise, but I’d like to say that it is a “good” hurt.” The grandchildren spent the Easter weekend with us, so that made it extra special. Then last night it snowed again! Will Spring ever come?

As I mentioned last week, we’ve extended the FREE SHIPPING offer at FRPC through May 3. The promotion has been very successful, and we figure it can’t hurt to continue to run it until Dale and I leave for the NGS Conference in South Carolina. We plan to leave on the fourth of May.



Buy $25 or more in books, charts, forms, or supplies at the Family Roots Publishing Co. online bookstore before Midnight MDT May 3, 2011, and the items ship free. FREE SHIPPING is available for purchases with items being delivered within the United States. Click here to search or browse over 1500 genealogy-related guidebooks, atlases and charts. Regional guidebooks for most countries, American states, and Canadian provinces are located here! Guides on writing, and recording genealogy, photography, DNA research, genealogy dictionaries, computer use, immigration, migration, and on & on are found at the site! We post new books nearly every day



Over the last decade, the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution have built a rather robust website that is of great help if you are searching for American Revolutionary War patriot soldiers. Note that the key word here is “patriot.” If you are searching for loyalist information, you will not find data on the the DAR Genealogical Research System (GRS), except the possible reference to books held within the DAR library. That said, the GRS is a powerful research tool. Much of the following is drawn from the DAR website itself.

The DAR Genealogical Research System is a combination of several databases created in recent years to organize the large quantity of information that the DAR has collected since its beginning in 1890. It is planned that the database system will continue to expand as new information is added.

Immediate access to the GRS databases is made available by clicking on the “tabs” along the top of the search screen. Following is a description of each tab, starting on the extreme left of the search screen.

ANCESTOR TAB – The Working Database of the DAR Genealogy Office
The Ancestor Database was created by and is maintained by the staff of the DAR Registrar General’s offices. With few exceptions, the data is taken from verified membership applications and supplementals. New records and information are added on a daily basis. The Ancestor Database is not a comprehensive list of all individuals who served in the Revolutionary War. New patriots are added as they are proven through DAR membership applications and supplemental apps. Lines that have been closed to membership are also included in the database. These lines may be coded as being in error, or they may not, dependent on whether the error have been caught and the database updated. Lines coded as being in error may not be suitable for DAR membership.

Here you may access information about a member and that person’s linage, including the Revolutionary War ancestor & spouse. Not all lineages are complete, as the data has not been transcribed and entered into the database yet. By clicking on the “See Ancestor Record” tab, you can view Associated Applications and Supplementals. This may give you a listing of dozens of other members (by their number) who have the same Revolutionary War ancestor. Click on the number, and get more information. There are currently 850,000 names in the database.

This give researchers access to the Descendants Database, where you will find linages of the direct line ancestors, including their birth & death dates and places. Current generations who may be living are just listed as Generation Restricted. There are currently 7,100,000 names in the database.

This tab allows the researcher to search an index to the GRC Reports. “In 1913, the DAR established the Genealogical Research Committee (subsequently renamed the Genealogical Records Committee) to coordinate this nation-wide attempt to save historical records. The result has been nearly 17,000 typescripts of records from across the country. These volumes are referred to collectively as the Genealogical Records Committee Reports, for the DAR’s national committee responsible for their production. They represent one of the most important and unique segments of the collection of the DAR Library in Washington, D.C., where the entire “national” collection is located. State sets of these reports may be found in various libraries within each respective state. A portion of these volumes was microfilmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah in 1970-1972, but over half of the present collection has not been microfilmed.” For more detailed information about the GRC report, Click Here.

The Resources Tab contains links to two more DAR indexes and 16 different categories of other online sites recommended by the DAR. The two DAR indexes are:

Revolutionary War Extracts Index (or, Index to Names Appearing in Some Revolutionary War Pensions)
“This original card index contains references to the names of individuals that appear in abstracts of some Revolutionary War pensions. DAR staff and volunteers, who visited the National Archives, produced abstracts to help prove pending application papers. This work was done prior to the early 1960s and the subsequent availability of the images of the pension papers themselves on microfilm (and now digitally online). The index is not a complete for all Revolutionary War pensions, but it does contain references to a great deal of hidden information in some of them. All of the pension abstracts are for federal pensions, no state pensions being examined for this project.”

The DAR Library’s Analytical Index
“Beginning in the 1910s and ending around 1970, Library staff and volunteers produced an Analytical Index amounting to over 300 card drawers. This index, typical of similar finding aids in libraries large and small, provides access points for some of the material in the Library’s collections, but by no means all of it.” Click Here for more detailed information on the Analytical Index.

The DAR Library Catalog can be accessed at this tab. Search by Title, Author, Subject, Notes, A combination of the these, or Anything.

At this tab, the researcher can purchase and download the Library Record Copy. “A record copy can be used as a genealogical research tool and may be used as documentation for a new application. As long as there is no reason to believe that the lineage or service is incorrect on an older application paper, it may be used as genealogical proof documentation. Copies of previously verified DAR membership applications (record copies) can be ordered and downloaded for $10 each. …Record copies only consist of the application, and not copies of the supporting documentation that originally accompanied it.”

As you can see, the GRS system at the NSDAR website has a lot of online information for anyone searching for data about an American Revolution Patriot and/or their descendants. Enjoy…



The following United States vital records and probates databases have been posted or updated at since my last Newsline

District of Columbia Marriages 1811-1950Digital Images – Name index and images of marriage records in the District of Columbia. Currently this collection is 36% complete. Additional records will be added as they are completed – 377,681 Records as of 21 Apr 2011.

Maryland, Register of Wills Books, 1792-1983Digital images from court records at the Register of Wills in Maryland. Includes the following counties: Baltimore City, Caroline, Cecil, Kent, Prince George’s, and Queen Anne’s. This collection is being published as images become available – Browse through 256,972 images as of 25 Apr 2011. Over 86,000 images have been added since March, including those for Baltimore City.

Mississippi, Tippah County Records 1836-1923 – Imaged Records – not indexed yet – This collection includes Probate Records dating from 1868 through 1923, from the Tippah County Clerk in Ripley, Mississippi. – Browse through 74,452 images as of 24 Apr 2011 – up about 20,000 images in the last week.

Ohio, Cuyahoga County Probate Files 1813-1900Browsable imaged records – not indexed yet – Probate case files from the Cuyahoga County Courthouse in Cleveland. The files are arranged by docket number, case number and date – 1,069,362 images as of 25 Apr 2011 – up about 15,000 records in the last month.

I have added the above databases to my Updated & Complete Alphabetical USA & Canada Vital Records Listing and Links at

Births & Christenings


Deaths, and Probates

Canadian Vital Records



If you’re considering a research trip at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City NOW IS A GREAT TIME! The Salt Lake Plaza Hotel which is located next door to the Family History Library is offering special genealogy discounts for April and May 2011. Your discount will depend on the dates you reserve. They offer microwaves and refrigerators in every room, a full service restaurant, complimentary wireless hi-speed internet and a complimentary airport shuttle. Call them at 800-366-3684 or e-mail at and mention the Genealogy Newsline to receive your discount rate.



Now here is a great source for some photos to liven up your genealogy files! Have you ever considered adding mug shots!

Sheriff Joe Arpaio, in Maricopa County Arizona has gotten a lot of publicity lately for his “Mugshot of the Day” competition on the Sheriff’s Department website. However, if you’re looking for non-flattering photos, there are actually quite a number of sites that post these things. I was surprised at how many Meitzlers I found! Following is a listing of just a few of the websites that post mugshots. Some allow comments, which are often pretty crude, so be forewarned…

Maricopa County Mugshot of the Day Competition – Website Getting a Lot of Publicity – Large Mugshot Database – Interesting & Funny Mugshots

The Smoking Gun/Mugshots – Celebrity & Civilian Mugshots Mugshots – Featuring the Last 24 Hours of Mugshots in Pinellas, Hillsborough, Manatee and Pasco counties.

Google Images Mugshots – 2,250,000 Mug Shots

Local Mugshots – A Periodical that sells on newsstands for $1 – now available in 18 States (including Utah) and 27 Cities.



The Salt Lake Christmas Tour is known for having the highest ratio of consulting professional genealogists per attendee of any research tour to the Family History Library. Over 20 classes are offered during the week, as well as 6 days of professionally assisted research. Thomas MacEntee will also be lecturing and leading hands-on workshops throughout the week – 10 altogether. Join us for the 27th annual Salt Lake Christmas Tour – December 4 through 10, 2011. See:



In this edition of the Genealogy Newsline, I am reviewing 3 books, one 2-volume set of books and one Quicksheet.

TRACING YOUR CIVIL WAR ANCESTORS, by David A. Norris, 2011, magazine-style, saddle stapled, 85 pp, 8.5×11, ISBN #: 9780978159276, Item #: MM004.

I just got copies of David Norris’ new Tracing Your Civil War Ancestors over the weekend, and sat down to review the publication. It’s published by Moorshead Magazines Ltd, and is authored by the same gentleman who recently wrote the popular Life During the Civil War.

The following chapters are found in the booklet:

  • The first Steps to Finding a Civil War Ancestor – Some thoughts and tips on getting started in Civil War research.
  • Companies and Regiments: Civil War Army Units – Knowing how the armies were structured will help you understand records and references.
  • Non-Regimental and “Untypical” Soldiers – Some tips for finding soldier ancestors in unusual categories.
  • Emergency Troops, Militia and Home Guard – Records of temporary units might reveal a hard-to-find ancestor’s service.
  • Ensigns and Engineers: Ancestors in the Navies – Though tracking a relative in the navy can be challenging, there are many valuable resources available.
  • US Colored Troops and African-American Sailors – Here are some resources for African-Americans who served in the Civil War.
  • Southern Loyalists and “Galvanized Yankees” – Here are some resources to check for Southern ancestor’s who served with the Union.
  • To Helmira and Back: Prisoners of War – POW resources can fill in holes in your ancestor’s record, or reveal the fate of a missing ancestor.
  • Medical Records and Hospital Personnel – Records from Civil War hospitals contain a wealth of information on soldiers and staff.
  • Military Pay Resources – Civil War payroll records pay off again for genealogists.
  • The Civil War and the Census – Pre- and postwar censuses offering important information on the lives and families of veterans.
  • The 1865 Parole Lists: To the Very End – These documents list the Confederate soldiers who endured to the end of the war.
  • Finding You Ancestors’ Flags – Regimental flags had important practical and symbolic purposes for Civil War Soldiers.
  • Buried in History: Civil War Cemeteries – Finding a soldier’s grave can seem impossible, but it doesn’t have to be a lost cause.
  • Civil War Pension Records and Wartime Relief – Pension records are a genealogical treasure trove for soldiers and their families.
  • Confederate State Pension Resources – A state-by-state guide to locating Confederate pension records.
  • Soldiers’, Sailors’ and Widows’ Resources – The records of these institutions may contain a wealth of detail that can’t be found elsewhere.
  • Civil War Veterans’ Groups – Records of veterans’ organizations might let you follow your ancestor into the 20th-century.
  • Wartime Civilian Records– Relatives who were not in the military may still have left a wealth of information about their lives.
  • Amnesty Papers and Southern Claims – Some potentially helpful sources for Southern relatives.
  • Spies, Smugglers and “Disloyal Citizens” – Records of civilian prisoners include ordinary citizens, political prisoners, and even politicians.
  • Finding Civil War Income Tax Records – You might find that your ancestors’ 1860s tax records are a source of family history.
  • A Gift From the Past: Civil War Newspapers – Here are some tips on finding your newsmaker ancestors.
  • A Picture in time: Civil War Era Photographs – You can find photos of people and places connected to your family, or even your ancestors.
  • Best of the Best: Classic Civil War Resources – These records contain the most essential information for Civil War Research.
  • National Archives Records – A soldier’s Compiled Military Service Record contains some of the most essential details of his service.
  • Finding Your Way Through the Civil War With Maps – Maps can help you follow your ancestor during the war or find a family farm near a battlefield.

Purchase Tracing Your Civil War Ancestors for just $9.95. There is a shipping fee of $4.90, but orders for U.S.A. delivery over $25 placed at the FRPC online genealogy bookstore before Midnight MDT on Tuesday, May 3, 2011, will be shipped FREE. So just add another item or two to your order and they ship at no charge… Sorry, orders shipping to Canada and other countries have the normal shipping fees


EARLY INDIANA TRAILS AND SURVEYS; by George R. Wilson, C.E., L.L.B.; paperback; 116 pp; 5×7; Published: 1919; Reprinted: 2002; ISBN 9780871950055; Item # IHS009

This book details the early Indiana trails, and well as the surveys. The following sections are found in this volume:


  • The Buffalo Trace
  • Vallonia Trace
  • Blue River Trace
  • Yellow Banks Trail
  • Salt Route or Trace
  • Whetzels Trace


Surveys made previous to the General Survey of Indiana

  • The Illinois or Clark’s Grant
  • Re-Survey of the Greenville Treaty Line, in 1800 – The Gore of Indiana
  • The Vincennes Tract, Freeman Lines, Buckingham’s Base Line, and Second Principal Meridian. This section is complete with a copy of the Outline Map of Indiana, shoeing the districts as subdivided by the U.S. Surveyors together with each name and date of the survey.
  • Special Notes and Reference on the Vincennes Tract Survey and the Freeman Lines
  • Survey of the Buffalo Trail
  • Survey of the “Ten O’Clock Line,” the Northeast line of the Harrison Purchase

State Line Surveys

  • Survey of the North Part of the Ohio and Indiana State Line
  • Survey of the Indiana and Illinois State Line
  • Survey of the Michigan and Indiana State Line

Indian and Other Reservations

  • Old French Surveys
  • Survey of the Miami National Reserve, 1838-1839
  • Thorntown Reserve
  • Chief Richardville’s Reserve
  • Raccoon Village Reserve
  • Seek’s Village and Metea’s Village
  • Mississinewa Reserve
  • Wyandot Village Reserve
  • Sugar Creek Reserve
  • Technical Location of Fort Harrison

Typical Road and Swamp Surveys

  • The Michigan Road Surveys
  • Kibbey’s Road
  • Surveying the Swamps of the Kankakee River, Etc.

Interesting Discoveries and Incidents Recorded by the Surveyors

  • Government Surveyors Locate French Lick and West Baden Springs
  • Foote’s Pond Survey, Rattle Snake Den
  • N. Harlan’s Ferry, in Pike County
  • Supposed Copper Mine
  • Wild Pigeon Roost
  • East Fork or White River Surveyed on Ice (Driftwood Fork)
  • Lilies Retard Survey
  • Marble Quarry
  • Surveyors in Danger
  • Swearing in Chain-Carrier
  • Base Line Cave in Orange County
  • Anderson’s River
  • Shield’s Trading House
  • Surveyor Discovers Coal in Dubois County
  • Pioneer Expression Used by Pioneer Surveyors
  • McDonald’s Cabin and the Mudholes
  • Shawnee Trace

The volume has an excellent index at the back. The book has been a best seller for many years, and I expect it will continue that way. Not only is it inexpensive, it’s also very informative. All those interested in early Indiana will find it interesting and valuable.

Purchase Early Indiana Trails and Surveys for just $7.87. There is a shipping fee of $4.90, but orders for U.S.A. delivery over $25 placed at the FRPC online genealogy bookstore before Midnight MDT on Tuesday, May 3, 2011, will be shipped FREE. So just add another item or two to your order and they ship at no charge… Sorry, orders shipping to Canada and other countries have the normal shipping fees


CENSUS SUBSTITUTES & STATE CENSUS RECORDS – in two volumes – on sale as a set for 20% off plus FREE SHIPPING!

In this 2-volume set of books, written under my direction, acclaimed author William Dollarhide identifies census substitutes, as well as state census records for the United States of America. The substitutes are those name lists derived from tax lists, directories, military lists, land ownership lists, voter registrations, and other compilations of names of residents for an entire state, one or more counties of a state, or one or more towns of a county. Thirty-seven states conducted colonial, territorial, or state censuses that are extant and available for research today. Usually taken between Federal Decennial Census years, these records often contain unique information, and may even shed light on the lives of your ancestors that may have been migrating from one state to another.

Volume 1 covers:

  • The Old Southwest (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana & Mississippi);
  • New England (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island & Vermont);
  • Mid-Atlantic States (Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York & Pennsylvania);
  • The Old South (Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia & West Virginia);
  • The Old Northwest (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio & Wisconsin);
  • and the Central Plains (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Dakota Territory/North Dakota/South Dakota).

Volume 2 covers:

  • Texas, Oklahoma (Spanish/Mexican Texas, Republic of Texas/State of Texas, Indian Territory/Oklahoma Territory & Oklahoma);
  • California & Nevada, Alaska & Hawaii (Spanish/Mexican/State of California, Nevada, District/Territory/State of Alaska, Kingdom/Territory/State of Hawaii);
  • Nuevo Mexico (Spanish/Mexican New Mexico, New Mexico & Arizona);
  • The Mountain West (Colorado, Utah & Wyoming);
  • and the Oregon Country (Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana).

I personally use these two books on a regular basis and recommend them to all my friends. In full disclosure, I am the publisher. However, they are of tremendous value, listing resources that you may not have otherwise known about.

Order the 2-volume set of Dollarhide’s Census Substitutes & State Census Records by Midnight MDT Tuesday, May 3, and save big dollars at 20% off retail of the individual volumes- plus FREE SHIPPING!.


GUIDE TO MASSACHUSETTS CEMETERIES – SECOND EDITION by David Allen Lambert; paperback; 363 pp; 5.5×8; 2009; ISBN 9780880822220; Item # NE02

David Lambert’s guide to the cemeteries of Massachusetts is an invaluable tool for those of us with Massachusetts’s ancestry. The book is a complete listing of all cemeteries and burial grounds found within the Commonwealth. This second edition corrects and updates the first edition published in 2002. Cemeteries not known in 2002 have also been added to the book.

Town Information

This guide is a town-by-town list of all known sites. The Header information for each town is detailed, giving the name of the town, year it was incorporated, the name of parent town or towns, as well as the address and phone number for the town or city hall, and of the cemetery department, if any.

Cemetery or Burial Ground Information

Massachusetts cemeteries are named in alphabetical order, with their alternate names (if any), followed by the year of consecration or first burial or date on the oldest stone. The location of the cemetery is given, as well as the address and phone number of the cemetery record repository (if applicable). In some cases, a church parish or synagogue may hold the records. Mr. Lambert gives the phone numbers of their record offices where available.

Published Books and Articles

Included with the cemetery information listed above is a listing of pertinent published books or article that contain cemetery transcriptions of gravestones in the cemetery.

Purchase Guide to Massachusetts Cemeteries – Second Edition for just $17.59. There is a shipping fee of $4.90, but orders for U.S.A. delivery over $25 placed at the FRPC online genealogy bookstore before Midnight MDT on Tuesday, May 3, 2011, will be shipped FREE. So just add another item or two to your order and they ship at no charge… Sorry, orders shipping to Canada and other countries have the normal shipping fees


QUICKSHEET – CITING ONLINE HISTORICAL RESOURCES – EVIDENCE! STYLE – First Revised Edition; by Elizabeth Shown Mills; Published 2007; 4 pp folded sheet, 8.5×11; laminated; ISBN: 9780806317762; Item # GPC3849

This First Revised Edition has updated sample citations and style changes.

Elizabeth Mills’s QuickSheet provides a template for citing historical sources on the Internet. It also lays down rules to help you judge the reliability of these sources.

Published in the form of a laminated folder, the QuickSheet contains a series of sample citations showing the correct way to identify online sources such as databases, census images, and digital books and articles.

Based on the premise that online sources are publications that have the same characteristics as printed publications, it provides rules and models for common record types such as passenger lists, vital records, and newspapers. Since a website is the online equivalent of a book, the QuickSheet shows you how to cite author/creator/owner of a website, title of the website, place (URL), date posted, and so forth.

Convenient for desktop use at home or in the library, the QuickSheet answers all those niggling questions left unanswered by the standard citation guides; it is also a perfect companion to the classic citation manual Evidence! Citation & Analysis for the Family Historian.

Purchase Quicksheet: Citing Online Historical Resources Evidence! Style – First Revised Edition for just $7.95. There is a shipping fee of $4.90, but orders for U.S.A. delivery over $25 placed at the FRPC online genealogy bookstore before Midnight MDT on Tuesday, May 3, 2011, will be shipped FREE. So just add another item or two to your order and they ship at no charge… Sorry, orders shipping to Canada and other countries have the normal shipping fees






DATING OLD PHOTOGRAPHS 1840-1929 on CD-ROM; pdf format; auto-run; originally published in 2000; republished as a CD-ROM 2011 by Family Roots Publishing Co. L.L.C.; 94pp.; item #: FR0115; $12.00 price includes postage within the United States.

You’ve almost certainly faced the problem: you have an album or box of old photographs, but almost all of them lack any identification. Family Chronicle’s Dating Old Photographs 1840-1929 can’t help you identify the subject, but it probably can help you with dating when the picture was taken — often within a couple of years.

MORE DATING OLD PHOTOGRAPHS 1840 -1929, THIRD EDITION; originally published 2004; Revised & republished 2011; 120pp.; Soft Cover; item #: FR0116; ISBN: 0-9731303-4-2; $15.95

You’ve almost certainly faced the problem: you’ve got an album or box of old photographs but almost all of them lack any identification. Family Chronicle‘s More Dating Old Photographs 1840-1929 can’t help you identify the subject but it probably can help you with dating when the picture was taken — often within a couple of years.

This book is a winner. If you’re only going to have one book on dating old photos, this is the one to have!

Purchase by midnight MDT May 3, and get Dating Old Photographs on CD-ROM for FREE!




CIVIL WAR IN THE OZARKS, by Phillip W. Steele and Steve Cottrell; 2009; softbound; 5.5×8.25; 160 pp; ISBN: 9781589806702; Item #PP702.

LIFE DURING THE CIVIL WAR; by David A Norris ; 95 pp; Softcover; 2010; 8.5 x 11; ISBN: 978-0-9781592-5-2; Item #: MM001



MAP GUIDE TO THE U.S. FEDERAL CENSUS, 1790-1920; by William Dollarhide & William Thorndale; 445 pp; 8.5×11; first published in 1987, reprinted 2009; ISBN: 9780806311883; Item # GPC5786

Map Guide to the U.S. Federal Censuses is one of the most popular – and useful books ever printed for genealogists. William Dollarhide and William Thorndale wrote the book over 20 years ago, and it still outsells almost every other genealogy book. It’s also in the top 5 best-selling genealogy books of all time. There is good reason for this distinction. It’s one of the few books that I always have on my desk, near my computer, and my genealogy research materials. Without a doubt, it’s the book I turn to more than any other. And I’m not alone, I have had hundreds of other folks tell me the same thing over the years.

The county has always been used as the basic Federal census unit. Genealogical research in the census, therefore, begins with identifying the correct county jurisdictions. This work shows all U.S. county boundaries from 1790 to 1920. On each of the nearly 400 maps the old county lines are superimposed over the modern ones to highlight the boundary changes at ten-year intervals. Also included are:

  • A history of census growth; .
  • The technical facts about each census;
  • A discussion of census accuracy;
  • An essay on available sources for each state’s old county lines; and
  • A statement with each map indicating which county census lines exist and which are lost.
  • The volume includes an index listing all present-day counties, plus nearly all defunct counties or counties later re-named.

With each map there is data on boundary changes, notes about the census, and locality finding keys. There also are inset maps that clarify territorial lines, a state-by-state bibliography of sources, and an appendix outlining pitfalls in mapping county boundaries. The detail in this work is exhaustive and of such impeccable standards that there is little wonder why this award-winning publication is the number one tool in U.S. census research.

If you were to have only one American genealogy guidebook at your side, The Dollarhide Map Guide would be one to have.

The Map Guide to The U.S. Federal Census 1790-1920 is discounted for this edition of the Newsline and is available at Family Roots Publishing for just $56.95 through May 3. Purchase before Midnight MDT May 3, 2011 and get FREE SHIPPING!

MAP GUIDE TO AMERICAN MIGRATION ROUTES, 1735-1815; by William Dollarhide


County Map – Rolled is available at Family Roots Publishing for just $25.00. Purchase before Midnight MDT May 3, 2011 and get FREE SHIPPING!

County Map – Folded is available at Family Roots Publishing for just at 17% off for just $14.94. There is a shipping fee of $4.90, but new orders for U.S.A. delivery over $25 placed at the FRPC online genealogy bookstore before Midnight MDT on Tuesday, May 3, will be shipped FREE. So just add another item or two to your order and it ships at no charge… Sorry, orders shipping to Canada and other countries have the normal shipping fees


As posted in Newsline Vol. 1 #8, Family Roots Publishing Co. has now posted detailed descriptions of the Arphax U.S.A. Land Ownership Atlases on our website. There are currently nearly 500 atlases, for 22 the states. CLICK HERE to see an example description from Barry County, Missouri. The description are detailed – including a listing of the Surnames found on the maps in each county atlas! Look for your county Family Map Atlas under the State Category at the FRPC site.

These wonderful atlases can be included in our free shipping sale going on until Midnight MDT, May 3, 2011.

You may now obtain Land Ownership Atlases for the following states (the number following the state is how many county atlases are currently available).



NEW YORK STATES CENSUSES & SUBSTITUTES; by William Dollarhide; ISBN 0-8063-1766-3; Soft Cover; 249 pp; 2005; reprinted 2007

A HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK, FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE PRESENT TIME; by Franklin B. Hough, A.M.,M.D.; 601 pp; Originally published 1854, Reprint: 2005; Paperback; 6 x 9; Item # PRJ03

CAPE VINCENT [NEW YORK] AND ITS HISTORY, 1909; by Nelie Horton Casler; 240 pp; Originally published 1906; Hardcover; 5.5 x 8.25; Item # PRJ01



ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYNS: A GUIDE FOR FAMILY HISTORIANS (REVISED 2nd EDITION), by Kip Sperry; 192 pg; Paperback; ISBN 978-1-5933102-6-4; 2009; Item #: TP269

THE HIDDEN HALF OF THE FAMILY: A SOURCEBOOK FOR WOMEN’S GENEALOGY; by Christina K. Schaefer; Published 1999, Reprinted, 2008; 310 pp

CHASING WOMEN – FINDING YOUR FEMALE ANCESTORS – Webinar on CD-ROM – A webinar on CD-ROM by this column’s author, Leland K. Meitzler

CENSUS SUBSTITUTES & STATE CENSUS RECORDS, Vol. 1, Eastern States, by William Dollarhide

CENSUS SUBSTITUTES & STATE CENSUS RECORDS, Vol. 2, Western States, by William Dollarhide


TRUE MIRACLES WITH GENEALOGY: HELP FROM BEYOND THE VEIL; by Ann Bradshaw; 133 pp; 2010, Paper; ISBN: 9781453767115; Item # AB01

GETTING STARTED IN GENEALOGY ONLINE; by William Dollarhide; Published 2006; reprinted 2007; 64 pp; ISBN: 9780806317700; Item # GPC1499

THE GENEALOGIST’S INTERNET, 4th Edition, New and Expanded, by Peter Christian; 384 pg; Paperback; 6.25×9.25; ISBN: 978-1-905615-39-1; 2009; Item TNA11

PAPER TREES – GENEALOGICAL CLIP ART, by Tony Matthews, 100 pg; Paperback; ISBN 978-0-8063160-7-9; 1999; Item GPC3832

200 YEARS OF U.S. CENSUS TAKING: POPULATION AND HOUSING QUESTIONS, 1790-1990; by the U.S. Government Printing Office; 108 pp; Paper; ISBN: 0945433727; Item # A0130



THE GENEALOGISTS GOOGLE TOOLBOX, by Lisa Louise Cook; 2011, Soft Cover; 209 pp; 8.5×11


GOOGLE FOR GENEALOGISTS – Webinar on CD-ROM – presented by Thomas MacEntee



THE GERMAN RESEARCH COMPANION – THIRD EDITION, by Shirley Riemers, Roger P. Minert, and Jennifer A. Anderson

ADDRESS BOOK FOR GERMANIC GENEALOGY, by Earnest Thode, reprinted 2000; 195 pp; ISBN: 9780806315263; Item # GPC5757

Map Guide to German Parish Registers (a series), by Kevan M. Hansen



A GUIDE TO IRISH CHURCHES AND GRAVEYARDS; 1990, Reprinted 2001; Hardcover; 7×10; 253 pp; ISBN: 9780806312668; Item #GPC3856









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If you’re considering a research trip at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City NOW IS A GREAT TIME! The Salt Lake Plaza Hotel which is located next door to the Family History Library is offering special genealogy discounts for April and May 2011. Your discount will depend on the dates you reserve. They offer microwaves and refrigerators in every room, a full service restaurant, complimentary wireless hi-speed internet and a complimentary airport shuttle. Call them at 800-366-3684 or e-mail at and mention the Genealogy Newsline to receive your discount rate.



I’ve just begun writing a genealogy column for a new website entitled The column is owned by my friends, Lee Everton and John Hardy. It’s set up so that you write the local news – including obituaries, family info, and such. As Lee says, “It’s about the people.” I think the site is a great idea. Check it out.



I blog at, which I’ve been doing since 2004. I invite you to check it out.


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Leland K. Meitzler, Editor
Twitter @Lmeitzler

The Genealogy Newsline is sponsored by and is a weekly publication of Family Roots Publishing Co., LLC, PO Box 830, Bountiful, Utah 84011. Additional Supplements are possible, but will not be published regularly. Genealogy Newsline is edited by Leland K. Meitzler. Guest articles are welcome, with acceptance wholly dependent on space available, quality of the writing, my personal interest in the subject, and interest to the genealogical community as a whole. Genealogy and history related books, CD-ROMs, DVDs, and software for review should be sent to the above address.

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Mr. Meitzler founded Heritage Quest in 1985. Mr. Meitzler worked as Managing Editor for Heritage Quest Magazine from 1985 through 2005, and held the same position with Everton Publishers, editing The Genealogical Helper, from 2006 until February of 2009. He is the now co-owner of Family Roots Publishing Company, LLC, and writes daily at Meitzler conducts the annual Salt Lake Christmas Tour, now in its 27th year. With over 2000 lectures to his credit, his programs are always motivational and informative. He may be contacted at

Copyright 2011 Family Roots Publishing, LLC

Although copyrighted by FRPC, readers may share the Genealogy Newsline with their friends by forwarding this email. Readers may also reproduce portions (not the entirety!) of the Genealogy Newsline in their own publications, newsletters, blogs, etc., with my permission, as long as full attribution is given as to where the information came from, in the following format please: From Genealogy Newsline Vol 1 #2, Tuesday, January 18, 2011; a publication of Family Roots Publishing Co. LLC –

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About Leland Meitzler

Leland K. Meitzler founded Heritage Quest in 1985, and has worked as Managing Editor of both Heritage Quest Magazine and The Genealogical Helper. He currently operates Family Roots Publishing Company (, writes daily at, writes the weekly Genealogy Newsline, conducts the annual Salt Lake Christmas Tour to the Family History Library, and speaks nationally, having given over 2000 lectures since 1983.

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