This is almost-May-spring in Spokane! Bah humbug……….but you dear folks living in the Midwest are having it way worse. Thank you (several of you) who took the time to tell me YES they read/follow/enjoy these Weekly Peeks of “wuzz-wuzz.” (That was my Dad’s term for just talking about not much.)
Have I mentioned to you about the free webinars you could be virtually attending? All you need is your computer and speakers. You register online for these webinars rather like you would register for a workshop in your area but in most cases these webinars are free, are taught by Top Notch folks (like our own Thomas MacEntee and dearMYRTLE) and they are 60-90 minute Point Point presentations that you just sit at your computer and watch, listen and learn. Thomas taught one last week all about Dropbox………….. this was sponsored by Legacy Family Tree and by clicking to you can either hear that archived webinar or purchase it on a CD……… along with a dozen others. Learning right in your ‘jammies at your computer on your time!
Thomas MacEntee has set up a website listing some/most of the upcoming online webinars. Click to and mark your calendar for these great learning opportunities.
News flash: Tour family member Jan Masteryanni is nicely recovering from a rather severe heart attack. She’d love cards from her “family”….. 1506 Kenmore St., Port Charlotte FL 33952-2531. Her good friend Barbara Fleshman shared this with us.
Donna, aka Mother Hen, until next week