Remember this handsome fellow? Rich Williams, our good buddy at our home-away-from-home, The Plaza, is starting his room reservation list (sent by Leland and Patty as our reservations come to them) so have you sent your reservation to Leland or Patty? And did you request a specific room? You know Rich does his darned best to grant our requests.
I’ve heard from several of you lately. Larry Benedict sent his story! Finally, one of you dear family shares a story and watch the newsletter for it’s a fun one. Did I pass on that Marge Brumfield, a little gal who came for years but not for several, passed on. She was about 5’1″ and was a department store bouncer! Today (Aug 23) there was an earthquake that folks in New Jersey felt…….. any reports back you guys? Maureen MacDonald has signed up not one but TWO new friends to come along this year; way to go, Maureen! (Which brings up this topic: Have you shown to any of your hobby groups but especially your genealogy group the promo DVD that Bill made for you and freely gave to you for that purpose???)
And I think I heard the scuttlebutt (my husband was a Navy guy remember) that Leland and Patty will have grandchild #3 in 2012……….
Donna, aka Mother Hen, until next week