In many ways, the position of city historian was created for the singular talents of Michael Miller. He’s the first person to ever hold that title — a position that was created for him by the Office of Historic Alexandria in the mid-1990s. And he may be the last. According to City Manager Jim Hartmann’s proposed operating budget for next year, the position of city historian has been eliminated to save about $89,000. Last week, Miller submitted his resignation, which will become effective at the end of May when he’ll retire after 32 years of service to the city.
“Certainly, there’s nobody who knows more about the history of Alexandria than Michael Miller,” said Lance Mallamo, director of the Office of Historic Alexandria. “He’s got the best institutional memory in the city.”
Read the full article by Michael Lee Pope in the February 19, 2009 Alexandria Gazette Packet.
I am the niece of Helen McGraw Chambers, an old friend of Michael Miller’s, and do not have a current email address for him. I know that he did so much work on uncovering the history of my ancestor Willard Purdy Graves (623 S. Fairfax St.) and my family would like to keep in touch with him. Would it be possible for you to send him a message to contact me?
Thank you.
Mary Donner Chipparullo
36 Liberty Road
Bernardsville, NJ 07924