The following news release was written by Savetz Publishing staff:
Seven new family trees and ancestor charts have been added to the Web site, which offers family tree templates and blank genealogy charts perfect for researchers, young students or anyone interested in tracing their family roots.
The site now offers more than 25 family tree templates that can be instantly downloaded and printed for free in PDF format. Or, site users may opt for a premium, $4 .DOC version that can be edited in Microsoft Word. The .DOC version can be easily customized by keyboarding in family members’ names into the pre-formatted templates. was originally launched in September 2008. “I’m really pleased with the response the site has received,” said Kevin Savetz, the site’s creator. “Everyone from classroom teachers to genealogy buffs are finding it fun and easy to instantly download and print these family trees and ancestor charts.”
Savetz said the new additions come directly as a result of site user feedback and requests. “I’ve added more trees for non-traditional families, such as stepfamilies and adoptive families,” he explained. “There’s also a new family tree with room for aunts, uncles and cousins, as well as a tree with room for lots of siblings.”
A family group sheet, commonly used by people researching the branches on their family tree, has been added as well.
Other family tree templates and ancestor charts are available in a variety of full-color, decorative designs as well as simpler black-and-white designs with room to record as many as seven generations.
“There are some cute charts for schoolchildren, as well as more sophisticated charts that are suitable for framing,” Savetz added.
The new family trees join categories such as multi-generation family trees, family trees with graphics, family trees for kids, family trees with room for photos and more. was created by Savetz Publishing, Inc. It is among the nearly 40 sites in the family of free printables sites created by Savetz Publishing, Inc., a company devoted to creating useful and informative web sites of interest to consumers and small businesses.
I’ve recently traced my family roots back into the 1500’s, going back 18 generations. This was not including myself or my son.
I am looking for a 20 generation template.
Any idea where I might be able to find one?
Tracy Stiles
If you had any luck finding a 20 generation template, I would be grateful to know where!
Thank You! goes up to 12 generations (supposedly the most on the net so far).
I need a Free printable Non Pdf family tree
i have been trying to do my family tree for many years now but i am trying to do one with my aunt,uncles,cusions and my biological and adopted family in it how do i do it……………
How do I start a family tree? I’m 13 and it’s for my history class, need help now!!!
Is there a family tree website that wont cost money to use? My daughter really wants to track our family but we dont want to spend lots or any money.
Go to, the first 100 names are free, anything more will require a subscription…
The following answer was posted at
Go to, the first 100 names are free, anything more will require a subscription…
I’d have to agree with Itti on this one. The printable trees on are much nicer than most of the websites online. I actually used one of the trees on this page ( to make an eight generation chart that we printed out and framed for our family. Thanks for the suggestion.
I have been looking for a 27 generation template, that is how far I have been able to journey back to so far. The only ones I seem to find is for like 10-12 generations. What I am looking for also is one I can create off line and take my time inputting and then print out to give to family members instead of them having to go on line to look.
There are 38 generation charts that can be filled in by hand that allow 9 generations with all the stats, and another 2 lines going back 38 generations, using the last column and ahnentafel numbers. If you input the data into a computer program like RootsMagic, Legacy, Master Genealogist, etc., you can output the data to a GEDCOM file and have Family Chartmasters print out a chart showing all entire pedigree.
Rootsweb is a great one to start with and the LSD website is great also. Try those They got me a long way before I finally paid for
If anyone needs a place to start has yielded a lot of records for our tree