What happens once a genealogist learns the basics? What happens once a few names are on the lists? What happens when that first error is discovered or an expected namedoesn’t appear in a census? Sometimes dates don’t match or a place of birth on a certificate doesn’t match the family bible, or even other “official” records. This is where beginners either become so frustrated that they quit or, they seek professional help, preserver, and find themselves on the way to becoming advanced researchers. Help in making it over these early stumbling blocks can be found in Smart Family History: Fast Track Your Family Research by Geoff Swinfield.
“This book has been structured so that you can follow each stage of your ancestor’s life from birth, through marriage and work, to death. At each stage there are sources you can research and shortcuts you can make to fast track the process.” Ever learning more about each ancestor from a full set of sources in key to bypassing road blocks. New clues can be found in almost any document. Learning about someone’s life, their career, their relationships, when and where and why they moved, all add to the story. According to the author, “by adopting a holistic approach to the lives of our ancestors, the answers to your research question may become clearer. If just one idea works for you, then the book has been a success.”
Though this book was published by the [British] National Archives, every genealogists, regardless of country of residence, can learn key research techniques and skills from this book. Specific registries and source locations are listed primary for UK centric research; which, will benefit anyone with British ancestors or possibly immigrant ancestors who passed through England on their way to America or elsewhere. Yet, the types of resources, such as census, school, or court records will be found in almost any country. Taking the advice provided herein, and simply locating sources within the reader’s own country will serve any family historian; especially, considering the relatively low cost of purchase for this book.
Introduction: Getting smarter
1. A start in life
2. Out of school
3. Settling down
4. The fighting man
5. Courts and criminals
6. A matter of status
7. Passing away
8. Exploring further
Useful addresses
Useful websites
Further reading
For your own copy of Smart Family History: Fast Track Your Family Research, published by the [British] National Archives, contact Family Roots Publishing; Item #: TNA08, Price: $7.84.