Salt Lake Christmas Tour…………. Week’s Peek

Today’s Profile Peek is for E. Wade Hone……. one of our favorite and bestest helpers on the Salt Lake Christmas Tour.  Come and get his help!

E. Wade Hone is devoted to European and foreign language research, and the promotion of European history, geography, and cultural tolerance among high school and college students, in addition to other academic objectives. He recently concluded a thirteen-year tenure as senior partner of Heritage Consulting and Services in Salt Lake City, worked for several years for ProGenealogists, and has been professionally involved in history and genealogy since 1984. His educational background is in world history and linguistics. He is a national speaker and the author of Land and Property Research in the United States and has also produced numerous multimedia presentations on a variety of genealogical subjects. He lives in the Salt Lake valley and spends portions of most years in the former Austro-Hungary regions doing research, inventory and preservation work to compliment that which can be done from the Family History Library in Salt Lake City.
Donna, aka Mother Hen,  until next peek

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