Mary Harrell-Sesniak wrote an excellent article for the GenealogyBank blog, posted On February 11, 2013. She deals with a number of terms that are often seen but may not be understood. Following is a list of terms that she explained in detail – with examples:
- Communicated (often abbreviated Com.)
- Requests to Insert
- Mastheads
- Banns or Bans (or Publishing of the Banns)
- Consort
- Relict (relictus)
- Instant (often abbreviated inst.)
- Proximo (often abbreviated prox.)
- Ultimo (often abbreviated ult.)
Ms Harrell-Sesniak also deal with the New and Old Style References for Dates (often abbreviated N.S. and O.S.).
It’s an interesting blog, and I recommend checking it out.
Thanks to ResearchBuzz for the Heads-Up.