A new NCGS Webinar has been scheduled for May 16th on www.ncgenealogy.org. The North Carolina Genealogical Society presents Diane L Richards speaking on Freedmen’s Bureau Records.
The following notice was sent to me by Maryann Tuck:
Are you seeking records for your southern ancestors in the immediate post Civil War time period (1865-1868)? Learn about this little known and used Federal record collection that is full of invaluable records for many ancestors, regardless of skin color or circumstances, who lived in North Carolina (or elsewhere from DE to TX). After the war many needed assistance, from maimed soldiers, to widows with children, to the aged and feeble, to ex-slaves and their former owners. Examples of records relating to rations, contracts and indentures, courts, abandoned land, schools, hospitals, and more are presented.
After 18 May, the video Freedmen’s Bureau Records will only be accessible on the website to NCGS members as a member benefit. NCGS members and non-members may also purchase the webinar on a CD, which includes the handout, from the NCGS online bookstore.