Salt Lake Christmas Tour…………… Week’s Peek

Like many of you, I was born in the midst of World War II. I grew up loving to learn about American history but Colonial-era history was my favorite and I never spent much time learning about the 1913 to 1945 era of American history…… that time period of the two greatest world wars in history, World War I and World War II. Where 1,000,000 men died………. and mostly died horrible deaths. 

The History Channel ran, and will run again, a 3-night series about this event and I cannot speak enough good words about what I learned. The actors chosen for the parts of the principle players (Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin, Tojo, Mussolini, Patton and MacArthur) were superbly cast (both the young man and the older statesman).  In the three 2-hour segments I learned more about the background of those wars than I ever realized as I saw the historic figures right before my eyes and using their own words.

I understand that the series will run again towards the end of June; I most definitely recommend it to all of you. Click to for more information or just stay closely tuned to your viewing guide.

What does this have to do with the Salt Lake Christmas Tour? Nothing much except that our entire Tour Family are history buffs! And many, if not most, of us have ancestors or relatives who participated in those wars. We welcome a fuller understanding of the causes behind the conflicts.

Donna, aka Mother Hen, until next peek.


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