This morning, Ancestry launched their new, enhanced DNA matching and the beta for DNA Circles, the new name for what was DNA match groups.
I went on Ancestry and checked out my matches. My DNA matches are few because all Ancestry has in their database from me is data from collection that was done by Sorenson Molecular at a genealogy conference many years ago. However, there are still 60 matches, for 3rd cousins and higher. In scrolling down through the matches, scanning surnames, as well as pedigree charts, I’ve spotted some exciting matches that will dramatically expand my research, as well as for those folks I will be corresponding with. I’m going to need 36 hour days from now on.
According to Ancestry, “All AncestryDNA customers who had their results prior to today will have their updated DNA matches available on the site… What really makes our new matching algorithms powerful is how we have improved the process of phasing with having the database size to cross compare and take a deeper dive into the new discoveries we are making.”
Diving deeper? Yes, I have to agree…