I received the following note from my friend, Jan Healy. If you have Oregon research, this is a really good deal! This book is beautifully done, and they are basically giving them away. You’ll never beat the price.
Press release – Oregon Burial Site Guide: We are losing our warehouse space the end of July. So the boss said to offer the Oregon Burial Site Guide, Compiled by Dean Byrd, Stanley Clarke, & Janice M. Healy free. We will send a hard back copy to everyone for the cost of shipping and handling. Prepaid $20 post marked not later than 1 July 2015. Those of you with Nonprofit status please add your tax ID number. Any questions contact me. This book sold for $125 each.
This book is about where the cemeteries of Oregon are located. Not lists of who is buried in them. Those are only listed for the small sites on private property with 12 or less burials.
The book is 8.5″ X 11″ X 2″ 1,200 plus pages and weighs in at about 8 lbs in the shipping carton. Fully alphabetical by county and site, each county is indexed, Black and White photo’s for a general idea of what monuments are in each county, with a state wide index in the back. This is a must for those researching Oregon using death certificates. We tried to pick up all the also known as names to the sites. There are about 2500 burial sites in the 36 counties of Oregon. This material is updated and corrected, not like the material from the old ODOT book that has been put up on the web. So no this is not on the web.
Make checks out to:
Stoney Way LLC
PO Box 5414
Aloha, OR 97006-0414