Video on the French XXeme Congres Genealogie on YouTube

xxeme-congress-genealogie The XXeme Congres Genealogie was held at Champs-sur-Marne on the edge of Paris, France from May 22 through 24, 2009. A video of a bit more than 10 minutes is now posted on YouTube. It has a music background. The video shows the exhibit hall and so forth. Thanks to my friend, Catherine Clausse, for posting an item on Facebook about this.

About Leland Meitzler

Leland K. Meitzler founded Heritage Quest in 1985, and has worked as Managing Editor of both Heritage Quest Magazine and The Genealogical Helper. He currently operates Family Roots Publishing Company (, writes daily at, writes the weekly Genealogy Newsline, conducts the annual Salt Lake Christmas Tour to the Family History Library, and speaks nationally, having given over 2000 lectures since 1983.

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