The Southern California Genealogical Society now has a new reader-printer available at the library. It will be up and running by mid-July. The society really has need for two of these machines. They are now accepting donations toward the purchase of another system, costing $4,995 plus computer and monitor. If you would like to support this effort, you can donate online. This equipment goes well with the FamilySearch Center designation of the Library.
FamilySearch Center
The Southern California Genealogical Society received official designation as a FamilySearch Center in July of 2008. This designation allows SCGS to rent films from the LDS Library in Salt Lake City, Utah on behalf of SCGS patrons.
After a patron rents and renews the item for a two more rental periods, it is retained at the SCGS Library and is placed on indefinite loan. Items on indefinite loan are available for any patron visiting the SCGS Library. The rental program is open to the public as well as members of the Society.
From the July Update from the Southern California Genealogical Society