Indiana Husband & Father Who Disappeared in 1993 is Discovered Via Ancestry Search

Following is a teaser from a fascinating article posted at the May 31, 2018 Chicago Tribune website. In 1993, Richard Hoagland seemed to be living the good life. He had a young wife and two sons, Matthew and Douglas. Business Continue reading Indiana Husband & Father Who Disappeared in 1993 is Discovered Via Ancestry Search

New – Hoffmann Heraldry and Genealogy: A Geographical Perspective – 15% Off

Family Roots Publishing just published Hoffmann Heraldry and Genealogy: A Geographical Perspective and is initially offering it at 15% off. Regularly $27.95, it is just $23.76. To make the deal even better, we are also offering the first two of Continue reading New – Hoffmann Heraldry and Genealogy: A Geographical Perspective – 15% Off

Historical Jurisdictions of Texas, 1691-1896

The following article is by my friend Bill Dollarhide, taken from his book  Texas Censuses & Substitute Name Lists, 1716-2012. Prologue: When the Spanish/Mexican colonists first moved into the region of present Texas, they were invading the long-held territory of the Continue reading Historical Jurisdictions of Texas, 1691-1896

GDPR Regulations Cause Sites Used by Police to Shut Down – WhoIs is One of Them

Many of us in the genealogy business, whether producing simple blogs & newsletters, or giant database operations, have been jumping through hoops the last few weeks in an attempt to comply with the new GDPR regulations of the E.U. For Continue reading GDPR Regulations Cause Sites Used by Police to Shut Down – WhoIs is One of Them

Parabon® Announces Snapshot® Genetic Genealogy Service for Law Enforcement

The following is the first couple paragraphs of a news release for Parabon NanoLabs posted May 23, 2018 at Read the full article and check out Parabon’s website for more info. May 23, 2018 – Forensic DNA samples screened Continue reading Parabon® Announces Snapshot® Genetic Genealogy Service for Law Enforcement

DNA Testing May Lead to Arrest – Not Necessarily Yours, But a Blood-Relative

It seems that all this DNA testing is having consequences not all of us have considered before. With the explosive growth of DNA testing for genealogy, data is now available to law enforcement agencies that previously wasn’t available. Criminals are Continue reading DNA Testing May Lead to Arrest – Not Necessarily Yours, But a Blood-Relative

Is Ancestry LLC the Devil? Or Just his Little Brother?

I awoke this morning to a front page story in the Tacoma News Tribune where the authors question whether we should trust Ancestry LLC. Goodness, the article took two/thirds of front page, with the headline above the fold. Although I Continue reading Is Ancestry LLC the Devil? Or Just his Little Brother?

Map Guide to Swiss Parish Registers Vol. 8: Cantons of Solothurn, Basel-Landschaft, Basel-Stadt & Schaffhausen – now shipping

This is an update to let our readers know that Family Roots Publishing is now shipping the soft cover version of Volume Eight of the Map Guide to Swiss Parish Registers. This Swiss Map Guide, covers the Cantons of Solothurn, Continue reading Map Guide to Swiss Parish Registers Vol. 8: Cantons of Solothurn, Basel-Landschaft, Basel-Stadt & Schaffhausen – now shipping

Tennessee Historical Timeline, 1623-1820

The following article is by my friend Bill Dollarhide, taken from his book, Tennessee Censuses & Substitute Name Lists, 1769-2008 Prologue: This historical timeline starts with the beginnings of the Carolinas, as the progenitors of the region known as Tennessee. Continue reading Tennessee Historical Timeline, 1623-1820

South Dakota Historical Timeline, 1738-1945

This following article is by my friend Bill Dollarhide, taken from his book, South Dakota Censuses & Substitute Name Lists, 1859-2014 Prologue: This historical timeline begins with the French fur-trading excursions into the Dakota Country; followed by the names, places, Continue reading South Dakota Historical Timeline, 1738-1945

Ohio Chapter of Palatines to America Fall Seminar – Oct. 27, 2018 in Plain City, Ohio

The following announcement was received from the Ohio Chapter of Palatines to America: The Ohio Chapter of Palatines to America Fall Seminar will be held Saturday, October 27, 2018 from 9 am to 4 pm in Plain City, Ohio. The Continue reading Ohio Chapter of Palatines to America Fall Seminar – Oct. 27, 2018 in Plain City, Ohio

South Carolina Historical Timeline, 1497-1790

The following article is by my friend, Bill Dollarhide, taken from his book, South Carolina Censuses & Substitute Name Lists, 1670-2008. Prologue: The Carolinas have their roots from the era just after the English Civil War, when eight noblemen loyal Continue reading South Carolina Historical Timeline, 1497-1790